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The Invitation 2022

A young woman is courted and swept off her feet, only to realize a gothic conspiracy is afoot.
5.4/10 IMDb
Horror,Thriller It's like a melodramatic highschool girl wrote a garbage vampire AU fanfic of "Ready or Not". Which wouldn't be too bad. That could be campy good fun, gaping plot holes, convenient deus ex machina, zero-surprise bad writing, and all. But our female lead, Nathalie Emmanuel, renders it almost too embarrassing to endure at times. Imagine a combination of the worst traits of every pompous American, oblivious liberal arts major, "eat the rich" self-righteously jealous poor, 5th wave feminist, "artist" rolled into a single person, who also enjoys pulling the race card. She's less a character, and more a collection of checklist items focus groups said will appeal to about 10 different (conflicting) demographics. You will cringe so hard you